Adoption Guide
A large litter tray and litter scoop
Food and water dishes
Veterinary approved pellets - kittens must have KITTEN pellets until they are
1 year old e.g. Hills, Royal Canin or Aims
A bed ( a clean cardboard box with bedding is fine)
Toys do not need to be expensive ( Rolled up paper, empty toilet or paper towel containers, ping-pong balls and bits of string dragged along are all –time favourites)
Select one room in which to put the cat initially, put the litter tray in a corner on newspaper and the food and water dishes on another piece of paper, not too close to the tray. Make sure that all the windows (even small high ones) are firmly shut. If the cat is nervous, the bed should be put under a chair, for instance, or in a dark place so that the cat feels safely out of sight to begin with.
Then collect the cat in a proper cat carrying basket (not a cardboard box!) covered with a towel to reduce panic and lined with a blanket or several layers of newspaper. Don't let the cat out of the basket until you are in the room with the door shut, let him explore and give him as much of your reassuring company as possible. If he doesn't like being picked up, don't force him, but leave him to accept it in his own time. The stress of being moved usually affects the cat's appetite for a day or two, so tempt him with small portions at first
Keep him in that room for the rest of that day and overnight, so that he becomes used to it and knows where his litter tray is. You can put one of your tee-shirts into his bed so that he gets used to your smell or a soft toy like a teddy bear or a hot water bottle if the weather is cold, as he will miss at first the warmth and company of his litter mates .If you are going to work the next day, feed him, clean the litter tray by removing droppings and damp patches with the scoop into a plastic bag which can be tied up and put in the dustbin, and then leave him where he is until you return. Should he hide, perhaps under a bed, for more than 24 hours, try to coax him out by getting a thin stick with a few leaves on the end and wiggle this enticingly for a while - few cats can resist a wiggling object!!
Before letting him out of the room, make sure that all windows and doors are properly shut. If your house is large, try just leaving a few doors open at first, such as the lounge and kitchen, so that he isn't overwhelmed by too much unfamiliar space, and then let him explore on his own feet (not carried). Make sure that the door to his room is left open for him to return to his tray and food when he needs to .He must be able to find his liter tray at all times. At bedtime he can be put back in the room for a few nights if you wish. If you want to air a room, make sure that the door is shut while the windows are open.
A new cat will need to be kept in the house for about 3 weeks, so that he becomes completely familiar with it as his base. During that time, take care when going through a door to or from the outside that he doesn't dash past you. If he does escape, don't try to grab him, just approach slowly and talk to him quietly, before picking him up. If he does not co-operate he will usually respond to a bit of string wiggled in front of him and you can lead him back indoors with this, or slowly move behind him and shepherd him back in front of you, through the open door. Let him out only when he knows his name and comes when you call him and only under supervision. When you let him out at first, call him in and feed him when he has returned inside so that he associates coming indoors with food. It is a good idea to teach your kitten which window to use in getting in and out of the house by guiding it in and out of the windows several times
If you already have a dog or cat, let them get used to each other gradually. Wait about a week before introducing them one by one to your new pet. This will give him time to adjust and calm down before meeting new animals. This is especially important in the adoption of older cats. Your resident pets will know he is in the room and smell him under the door. When you open the door to that room remember to leave it open so that he can dash back inside if he is alarmed. It is quite natural for the resident cat to spit and perhaps growl at the intruder into her territory to begin with, so don't be angry with her or scold her. Make sure that your existing animals get extra attention. Touch both old and new cats often in order to transfer their smells to each other, do the same with your dog as cross- scenting is very important in the introduction process. See that your dog is restrained or on a leash when making the first introduction as he may make a sudden lunge at the new cat.
Before letting him out, get him used to being called by name and coming to the sound of a box of cat biscuits being rattled. When you first let him out, choose the time when he knows you are preparing his food (as an incentive to come back in), then just open the door and let him go out on his own. He might be reluctant to do this at first, but it is best not to rush him by carrying him out. Stay with him, talking quietly, for a short time then get him in again and feed him. Time outside can be increased and he will explore further each time. If he goes next door, be sure to tell the neighbours that he is your new cat and try to coax him back.
It is essential to make sure that he is inside at night, perhaps by luring him in with his supper and then closing the door and windows. If you decide to move his litter tray to another room, such as the bathroom or laundry, do so gradually so that he always knows where to find it. To begin with, it is advisable to put him inside while you are out or at work.
Litter tray.
Clean this twice a day, as described above. Once a week the litter can be thrown out (in the dustbin) and the tray and scoop washed with plain water - disinfectants are distasteful to cats - dried with kitchen paper and refilled with clean litter (about 3 cm. deep). It is a good idea to have 2 litter trays so that you can put the cleaned litter tray in the sun to disinfect it while the other is in use.
An adult cat can be given about 40g of cat biscuits in the morning, beside fresh water. Most cats like milk but their digestive systems are not designed for it and some can be upset by it. Fresh water is quite adequate for them. It is preferable to get your kitten used to dry food as it is more economical and won't cause upset tummies as wet food can do. MILK Cats and kittens can be lactose intolerant, if you want to give them milk, use one of the products made for them e.g. Kittymilk or Royal Canin Babycat Milk
Cats like to be brushed gently and this helps to avoid fur balls and excess fur in the house. A slicker brush with tiny wire bristles gets out a lot of loose undercoat and, although it looks fierce, apparently feels nice.
Never raise your hand to your pet, since you will lose its trust. If you want to discourage it from doing any specific thing, it's a good idea to keep handy a clean spray bottle filled with water or a toy water pistol. It usually takes a few gentle squirts in you pet's direction to get the message across. Your pet won't associate the discipline with you, but is more likely to develop a dislike for the spray bottle. You could also on occasion give a loud shout and clap your hands loudly to discourage something you can see is about to happen
If you have any queries about your new cat's health or behavior, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for offering him a loving home - Remember that this is a long term commitment and responsibility, but we are sure that your new pet will give many years of joy.
Something about CATS' 9 LIVES - We are a registered Non Profit Organisation (NPO 048-500) dedicated to caring for unwanted kittens and cats until they can be placed in permanent loving homes. We have homed over 1000 kittens and as many adults as we can, but until they are homed they are kept in a caring and loving environment. The organization has no source of income and does not benefit financially from the adoption fee. Thus we are dependent on donations for food, litter and veterinary care and any contributions are gratefully accepted
Our Banking details - Standard Bank Brooklyn, Plus Plan Account 414961110 Branch Code 01-12-45
CATS'9 LIVES Lynn - 0828572088
E-Mail -
Become a volunteer

Want to get involved, why not volunteer by becoming one of our foster moms?
We provide the milk, pellets and take kittens in to be homed when they are old enough, but bottle feeding is a most rewarding job as it is so worthwhile to watch their development.
To become a volunteer, please contact us
Market Day
Venue: Waterkloof Animal Hospital
We will have hand made items, White Elephant stall, books , dvds and we are serving a delicious tea....Read more