
Appeal for Bottle Feeders

We provide the milk, pellets and take kittens in to be homed when they are old enough, but bottle feeding is a most rewarding job as it is so worthwhile to watch their development....Read More


Bengy was homed for a month to a person who abused him. We gave her a well adjusted cat and confiscated a frightened and traumatised one, but with loving care he has become a most handsome and loving cat. He needs a home with someone who will love him as he deserves to be loved. He loves to run in the garden and is so good with the little kittens


Bluebell was rescued from an environment where she was neglected and often not fed, with 5 tiny kittens. She is less than a year old. She is VERY gentle and lovable with beautiful blue eyes. Looking for a home where she will get the care and love she deserves. Please contact Lynn: 082 857 2088.


kitten is Josephine and can be homed from Yvette 0823735439


Salem was found at the Myanmara Embasssy and can be homed from Yvette 0823735439

We have been trying to contact Mrs J Van Niekerk to thank her for her generous donation to Cats'9Lives but the cell number given on the Bank form is incorrect.

Become a volunteer

Want to get involved, why not volunteer by becoming one of our foster moms?

We provide the milk, pellets and take kittens in to be homed when they are old enough, but bottle feeding is a most rewarding job as it is so worthwhile to watch their development.

To become a volunteer, please contact us


Cat Trivia:

At night a cat can gather into the extra-large corneas and lenses of its eyes more than six times the amount of light than humans can. Seeing far better than humans do at night time and tending to focus best at a distance of eight to twenty feet makes cats excellent night time hunters.


Market Day

Date: 26 November 2016 10:00
Venue: Waterkloof Animal Hospital

We will have hand made items, White Elephant stall, books , dvds and we are serving a delicious tea....Read more