How You Can Help


We rely on donations and appeal for regular monthly contributions, even small amounts every month add up and help us continue our work.

Banking Details (for South Africans):

NPO: 048-500
Bank: Standard Bank Brooklyn
Account: 414961110
Type: Plus Plan
Branch Code: 01-12-45


  • kitten kibbles
  • kitten milk
  • toys
  • food and water bowls
  • cat litter
  • litter boxes
  • sleeping tents/beds
  • scratching posts
  • cat carriers
  • polar fleece for blankets
  • baby donuts for kitten beds
  • water fountain


If you have the time and dedication required we are always looking for fosters for very young kittens.  We also need volunteers to foster adult cats until they can find homes.

Sales Table

We hold Jumble Sales and "Open Days" where we sell hand Crafted Goodies.  Volunteers to help with making arts and crafts for our open day will be more than welcome. Contact Mariette at

We need Sales table volunteers

We need Jumble sale donations - Please that we have on-going jumble sales and we always need lots of jumble. Please contact , Mariette to collect or you can drop it off at the Waterkloof Animal Clinic.

We need Craft Volunteers

We have been trying to contact Mrs J Van Niekerk to thank her for her generous donation to Cats'9Lives but the cell number given on the Bank form is incorrect.

Become a volunteer

Want to get involved, why not volunteer by becoming one of our foster moms?

We provide the milk, pellets and take kittens in to be homed when they are old enough, but bottle feeding is a most rewarding job as it is so worthwhile to watch their development.

To become a volunteer, please contact us


Cat Trivia:

Cats usually weigh between 2.5 and 7 kg (5.5–16 pounds), although some breeds can exceed 11.3 kg (25 pounds). Some cats have been known to reach up to 23 kg (50 pounds) due to overfeeding.


Market Day

Date: 26 November 2016 10:00
Venue: Waterkloof Animal Hospital

We will have hand made items, White Elephant stall, books , dvds and we are serving a delicious tea....Read more