Open Day 1 December 2012

Our annual Open Day was held, once again, at Waterkloof Animal Hospital. The rain stayed away and we had a lovely day with plenty of colourful, homemade goodies, white elephant, plants, cd's and dvd's, books and a tea table with delicious eats. We raffled a beautiful book on cats with a hand-painted cushion. Tea was enjoyed in the tea garden with tables decorated with bright Christmas cloths and pretty posies of flowers.

We enjoyed chatting to friends and family as well as people that had adopted kittens from us in the past.

Many thanks to all those who supported our successful Open Day - Those who sewed, donated things, collected things, made eats, helped on the day and to Frank for the lovely photos. We packed up, tired but happy, after a most enjoyable morning. The money raised will be a big help towards caring for rescue kittens.



We have been trying to contact Mrs J Van Niekerk to thank her for her generous donation to Cats'9Lives but the cell number given on the Bank form is incorrect.

Become a volunteer

Want to get involved, why not volunteer by becoming one of our foster moms?

We provide the milk, pellets and take kittens in to be homed when they are old enough, but bottle feeding is a most rewarding job as it is so worthwhile to watch their development.

To become a volunteer, please contact us


Cat Trivia:

Whiskers flattened back against the cheek often indicate fear or anxiety, while whiskers fanned forward are a sign of interest or curiosity. When relaxed, a cat's whiskers will be neutrally set. Leave whiskers alone when grooming; cutting these fragile sensors may hurt your cat and hamper your pet's ability to acclimate and communicate.


Market Day

Date: 26 November 2016 10:00
Venue: Waterkloof Animal Hospital

We will have hand made items, White Elephant stall, books , dvds and we are serving a delicious tea....Read more