Cats9Lives Market: 28th November 2015

Our annual Market was again held at Waterkloof Animal Hospital.  The day was overcast which was a welcome relief after the extremely hot days we’ve been experiencing in Pretoria. We had our tea table covered with delicious cakes, cupcakes  with edible butterflies and edible cat decorations, Lorraine’s special cream swissrolls etc. There was a variety of handmade items for sale including gifts for cats.  People had generously donated items for the White Elephant table.  We had a beautiful selection of pictures (framed by Brooklyn Framers) as well as some original paintings donated by Barbara Gilmour. Many cds and dvds were donated as well as a large collection of 70 classical cds. The books included a collection of special cat books that were donated.

The raffle sale raised quite a lot of money. The prize included a most beautiful cake that Helen donated and Carola’s crocheted cat bed. We had a very happy morning chatting to our “cat friends’’. Frank again took photos for us. Many thanks to all who contributed to make the day such a success. All who donated,collected or made items to sell, those who baked, those who helped on the day and to the vet for allowing us to again use their premises. The money we made will be put to good use in helping the 80 kittens in our care.


We have been trying to contact Mrs J Van Niekerk to thank her for her generous donation to Cats'9Lives but the cell number given on the Bank form is incorrect.

Become a volunteer

Want to get involved, why not volunteer by becoming one of our foster moms?

We provide the milk, pellets and take kittens in to be homed when they are old enough, but bottle feeding is a most rewarding job as it is so worthwhile to watch their development.

To become a volunteer, please contact us


Cat Trivia:

A cat's arching back is part of a complex body language system, usually associated with feeling threatened. The arch is able to get so high because the cat's spine contains nearly 60 vertebrae which fit loosely together. Humans have only 34 vertebrae.


Market Day

Date: 26 November 2016 10:00
Venue: Waterkloof Animal Hospital

We will have hand made items, White Elephant stall, books , dvds and we are serving a delicious tea....Read more